Best Hard Wired Smoke Detectors

Most of the hard wired smoke detectors are connected to a power source that is mostly 120V alternating current.

The batteries are provided as back up in case of main power outage. Today, there are also countless number of smoke detectors that are not hard wired. They are either battery operated or wireless.

What is the Advantage of Hardwired vs Battery Smoke Detector

Hard wired smoke detectors have several additional benefits unlike standard battery operated smoke detectors. Their primary source of power is your mains electrical connection.

Therefore, there is no uncertainty of faulty batteries or times that your smoke detector has no power (especially if you have a battery backed up smoke alarms); you are guaranteed of a functioning smoke detector at 100% of the times.

This is very important and a requirement to comply with fire safety regulations.

How to Wire Smoke Detectors

how to hard wire smoke detectors

On the other hand, there has been a great technological breakthrough in the recent past and battery operated smoke alarms can also ensure that your smoke alarm is functional always.

They do this by designing an electronic system that monitors the health of the batteries. When the batteries have low level energy to sustain the smoke alarm, a chirping sound is activated that reminds you that you need to change your batteries.

Additionally, the other advantage is the ability to be interconnected with a series of other smoke detectors in the house.

Lets assume you have several rooms that you have installed your wired detectors. There is an extra cable that allows you to interconnect all your alarms. Why is this helpful?

When a fire starts in another room (where you are not physically present) and the smoke detector in that room is activated. You may be unable to hear the alarm sound immediately.

But time is of essence when there is fire! The US fire administration in its latest report “Fire in the United States 2006-2015 (19th Edition)” notes that fire doubles every 30 seconds!

The interconnections are done to enable and trigger all alarms. Thus, irrespective of your location, you will definitely hear the alarm sound of the most immediate hard wired smoke alarm near you.

It saves a lot of time for escaping because one does not need to wait until fire builds up into your room for the closest alarm to sound.

Hard Wiring Smoke Detectors in Series

Again, with current breakthroughs in fire alarm technologies, this hard wiring interconnections’ is traditional.

It works okay, but there is a lot of wiring involved. You may need to involve a technician to do all that.

That will cost you more bucks! It is even more disappointing if you are installing this kind of connections after your home has been built and finished. Since some of the cables may have to be run through your walls, drilling your already decorated and nice looking walls is inevitable.

hard wired smoke detector

To solve all these problems, you need wireless smoke detectors for interconnections and linking. They could still be hardwired supported by your 120V AC power with additional battery back up.

However, you could save yourself from the costs and hustles of running cables just to deal with interconnections. The built in wireless transceiver ensures that the smoke detectors communicate to each other.

We introduce you to the best products available among wired smoke detectors that will not only maximize your protection from fire related hazards, but also save you money, time and ease of installing them.

The First Alert 9120B is preferred by many consumers because it is easy to install and detects both fire/smoke and carbon monoxide gas. If you are looking for value and an excellent safety companion, we recommend this model.

Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors Hardwired

You can reap multiple benefits from a single smoke detector unit by leveraging on additional features. For example a smoke detector in combination with a carbon monoxide detector.

You may also consider having both ionization and photoelectric sensing technology all in one detector.

Additionally, you may prefer the detector to have programmable location for voice alarm. The prices for hardwired smoke detectors are very friendly compared to wireless smoke detectors.

A hard wiring detector may require you to plan in advance while you are constructing your home or face the compromise of laying cables later. Consequently, you may have to deal with the repulsive fittings. However, a professional technician should do an excellent installation job even after the house is built and completed.

United States Fire Administration Astounding Statistics!

It is jaw-dropping to note from a recent report from the US Fire Administration that fire departments responded to a staggering 1.35 million fire calls in 2021.

The statistics has slightly improved in recent years. The report “Fire Loss in the United States During 2021” was released in September 2022. The report covers fire incidences over a period of 10 years.

For fires that occurred within residential buildings, the largest contributing factor was kitchen fires attributed to cooking at 49%. Heating equipment followed closely at 13%.

Source: NFPA Report, Home Structure Fires, October 2021

It is surprising that cooking was also a leading cause for nonresidential fires.

Electrical distribution and lighting equipment had a considerable contribution also as it accounted for 9% of reported incidences.

Also, it is interesting to note that African-Americans were most affected group of people. In fact males had a higher likelihood of dying in a fire than females. These data is primarily obtained from The National Fire Incident Reporting System.

The report notes that there is more to be done to prevent home fires! Regrettably, it is apparent that less progress has been made to reduce deaths and home fire injuries.

Replacing Wired Detectors with Battery Operated

The main reason for improvement has been due to the increased use of smoke detectors. That is a very positive fact.

We at Bottom Line of Alarm Technologies are proud of the achievement that have been realized through the use of smoke alarms. The statistics are supportive. That is to say employing technology helps to improve and guarantee safety at homes and in offices.

The report also cites the use of sprinklers and fire suppressants as another great enabler in combating fire menace in the U.S. fires. Other factors include training and awareness, fire code and standards, enhanced firefighting equipment as well as adopting safe building techniques.

As a matter of fact, always follow procedures and regulations when constructing your own house. Likewise, if you are leasing the apartment, demand to see the certificates or documents showing the owner has complied with safety standards related to fire.

[yellowbox]It has been generally observed that fires double every half a minute.[/yellowbox]
best hard wired smoke detectors

Great attention should be given to prevention, preparedness and response. Among the three, prevention is at the front line. The US Fire Administration acknowledges that prevention is best done through smoke detectors.

We have put down some thoughts on what you need to do in case of a fire.  Always have a plan!

hard wired smoke detector vs battery operated

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